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Taxiway S Reconstruction Design


Philadelphia, PA

City of Philadelphia, Division of Aviation

Sci-Tek provided geotechnical engineering and environmental consulting services for the Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) Taxiway S Reconstruction Project.  As a subconsultant to JMT, Sci-Tek provided the following services:


  • Drilled borings on Taxiway S and its shoulder to estimate the existing pavement thickness and characterize the subbase and subgrade soils.
  • Performed borehole infiltration testing within the footprint of the proposed stormwater best management practices.
  • Performed engineering analysis based on the data obtained at the test boring locations and laboratory test results.
  • Prepared a Subsurface Exploration Report with professional conclusions and recommendations for the proposed Taxiway S pavement reconstruction and a summary of the infiltration testing and results.


  • Provided a Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment of Taxiway S in the vicinity of sub-taxiways S4 and S5 to evaluate the presence/absence of potential subsurface concerns.
    • Coordinated ground-penetrating radar and magnetometry and Geoprobe soil borings.
    • Collected samples for Clean Fill analysis, de-icing analysis, and PFAS compounds.
    • Provided a Limited Phase II ESA report with field and laboratory results, professional conclusions and recommendations.