Site Development
Surveying, Civil Engineering
Jamestown, PA
Pennsylvania Department of General Services (DGS)
In October 2009, the Bureau of State Parks made the difficult, but necessary decision to cut costs and reduce Tuttle Campground and Beach facilities which had a significant negative economic impact on the surrounding Espyville community and severely restricted access to a popular recreational facility in the State Park. DGS is now planning a renovation of the campground reducing it to half its size to be sustainable into the future. The renovated campground will have 100 full-service campsites; a new water treatment plant; new Tuttle Beach change house; and access improvements including road resurfacing and construction of an ADA compliant boat ramp, dock, and shoreline fishing access. As a subconsultant to KCI Technologies, Inc., Sci-Tek is providing the following services:
SURVEYING - existing conditions and topographic survey for the middle and eastern loops of the Tuttle Campground, Tuttle Beach, and the roads connecting the beach and campsite areas.
- Provide the following plans: existing conditions, demolition, site layout, grading, utilities, stormwater management, construction details, general notes, and erosion and sedimentation control.
- Prepare a Pennsylvania Natural Diversity Index (PNDI) review for the proposed development.
- Prepare construction cost estimates of the site related components with the design submissions milestones.
- Prepare a NPDES permit applicationincluding Erosion and Sedimentation Control Module 1 as well as Stormwater Management Module 2.
- Provide utility coordination and related drawings.
- Prepare technical specifications for site related components.
- Provide bidding services which include a site preconstruction visit, response to any contractor questions, and issue of addendum documents.
- Provide construction administrative services including submittal review, review of Requests for Information, three intermittent site visits during construction, and the project final inspection.