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Mon-Oakland Mobility Corridor Design



Pittsburgh, PA

City of Pittsburgh

The Department of Mobility and Infrastructure (DOMI) of the City of Pittsburgh is planning the design of the Mon-Oakland Mobility Corridor which includes a publicly accessible and controlled mobility corridor and expanded network of bicycle and pedestrian routes connecting the communities of Hazelwood, Greenfield, Four Mile Run, and Oakland. The project also coincides with a larger stormwater management and green infrastructure project that underlies much of the corridor. Sci-Tek is providing development of the green stormwater infrastructure design for the corridor, including the following tasks:

  • Review of existing information including available conceptual, geospatial data, drawings, reports, and records.
  • Desktop review of a series of selective site visits to better evaluate and select green stormwater infrastructure design options for the entire Mon-Oakland Mobility route.
  • Development of a storm water management system layout for the selected alignment for the bike/ped trails and mobility trail.
  • Identification of existing drainage facilities and restrictions and coordinate with DOMI and Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority (PWSA).
  • Preparation of 60% and 90% drawings showing proposed green stormwater infrastructure design.
  • Determination of locations of top of slope and toes of slope for drainage ditches.
  • Grading for stormwater drainage structures and or features.
  • Verification that the flow patterns resulting from this project are compatible with the design developed by PWSA as part of their flood control project in this area.
  • Provision of supporting materials for the NPDES permit application.
  • Preparation of 100% final drawings for green stormwater infrastructure design, report and supporting calculations for the proposed drainage design facilities along the bike/ped trail(s) and the mobility path.