Site Development
Hazelwood, PA
Regional Industrial Development Corporation
Sci-Tek provided a geotechnical exploration associated with Phase I Final Design and Bid Phase Services for On-Site Roads and Utility Infrastructure at the ALMONO – Hazelwood Site in Hazelwood, PA. The project intent was to complete the design, permitting and bidding processes for the main roadway system within the site and its interface with railroads and offsite roadways, the utility infrastructure including electric, water, sewer, and communication, associated stormwater management, and select public open space areas.
The ALMONO-Hazelwood Site is located within the former 178-acre LTV Steel Hazelwood Site, a former flood plain that was filled during prior industrial development to raise the grade above most floods. The fill consists of random natural and man-made material including at least several feet of slag at the surface which is a by-product from local steel-making.
Sci-Tek performed a geotechnical exploration at Signature Boulevard, Hazelwood Avenue Extension, and a railroad bridge canopy structure which consisted of:
- Expansive Slag: Drilled twenty five shallow test borings along approximately 6,000-ft of proposed roadway alignment for a new access road to be built across the Site.
- Existing B&O Rail Road Bridge Canopy Structure(s): Drilled two test borings near the existing B&O Rail Road Bridge that crosses over the proposed roadway for a canopy structure or structures that may be built to shield pedestrians, bicyclists, and automobiles from debris that may fall from the RR Bridge or passing trains.
Material encountered in the borings drilled for this effort was sampled and tested to provide information for foundation design. A report was provided which presented opinions and conclusions on the nature and distribution of expansive slag at the site, fill conditions, soil conditions, rock conditions, and groundwater conditions that was based on the data obtained at the test boring locations, visual observations, laboratory test results, and the analyses performed.