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Water and Sewer


Pittsburgh, PA

Allegheny County Sanitary Authority

ALCOSAN has adopted its updated Clean Water Plan (CWP) to meet the requirements of the Modified Consent Decree to improve and protect the water quality of the region’s streams and rivers by controlling combined sewer overflows and eliminating sanitary sewer overflows and attaining federal and state standards for water quality. As part of the CWP, ALCOSAN is tasked with delivering the Regional Conveyance Facilities component of the Interim Measures Wet Weather Plan which includes a wet weather pump station and three major tunnel projects, including near surface facilities. Package 6 of the ART project includes consolidation sewers, regulators, outfall, abandonment of existing facilities, and connections to existing sewers and covers the facilities associated with seven points of connection. As a subconsultant to DLZ, Sci-Tek provided the following surveying and permitting services:


  • Performed a topographic survey of the existing site conditions of a strip of land 100 feet in width of the proposed consolidation sewer alignment between A-72 and A-78, calculated to be approximately 7,100 linear feet.
  • Performed a survey of the marks designating the location of underground utilities (Quality Level B) and the flags designating the location of wetlands placed by others.
  • Performed the necessary research to obtain the record documents containing the metes and bounds description(s) or reference to a subdivision plan of the subject tract(s).
  • Computed the geometry of the subject tract(s) from the record deed description. Compute the geometry of adjoining tracts from deeds as necessary and available.
  • Performed a survey of property line evidence and prepare a mosaic drawing from the property descriptions contained in deed information of approximately 14 tracts of land which the proposed consolidation sewer alignment spans.
  • Prepared up to 20 easement exhibits and up to 20 written descriptions of easements required by ALCOSAN for use in easement acquisition.
  • Performed a bathymetric survey along approximately 5,500 linear feet of the underwater ground surface near the shoreline between proposed consolidation sewer structures A-72 and A-75.
  • Prepared an existing conditions survey drawing showing the features surveyed.


  • Provided support with City of Pittsburgh DOMI Coordination.