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Sweet Valley – Northeast Regional Operations Facility

Site Development

Sweet Valley, PA

PA Department of General Services

The PA Fish and Boat Commission Northeast Regional Operations Facility is making improvements to their regional barracks, including construction of a new office building, boat storage garage, and kayak storage area; add on to an existing building; demolish two existing structures; coordinate existing utility services; and pave the drive entrance, parking lot, roadways and fenced in storage area.  As a subconsultant to Taheri Architecture, Sci-Tek is providing the following services:


    • Topographic survey of the existing site conditions
    • Existing conditions survey drawing showing the features surveyed as well as information received as a result of the PA One Call notification.


  • Asbestos Inspection - collected asbestos bulk samples at the subject buildings and submitted samples to a NVLAP accredited laboratory for analysis.
  • Lead-Based Paint Survey - obtained samples of painted surfaces utilizing an XRF automatic sampler, which detects lead in the painted surface without damage to the paint or surface.
  • Hazardous Materials Survey - identified Pennsylvania-defined Universal Wastes, including fluorescent bulbs, lighting ballasts, thermostats, exit signs, batteries, pesticides, and other hazardous materials.
  • Drinking Water Quality Testing - collected a sample of the site’s drinking water from a faucet in the building that is closest to the wellhead and sent to analytical laboratory for testing and comparison to PADEP standards.


  • Post Construction Stormwater Management Plan and Narrative in accordance with Luzerne County’s requirements.
  • Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan in accordance with PADEP requirements.
  • Sewer Facilities Planning Module to be submitted to the DEP.
  • Technical specifications for the site civil items of work.
  • 60% and 100% construction plans including Existing conditions plan, Demolition Plan, Site Improvement Plan, Grading Plan, Utility Plan, Stormwater Management Plan, Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan, Septic System Plan and Details, and Site details.
  • Bidding and Construction Phase services including address RFIs, meeting and site visits, and as-built drawings of the site civil work provided by the Contractor.