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Frankstown Avenue Signal Design



Pittsburgh, PA

City of Pittsburgh

The City of Pittsburgh Department of Mobility and Infrastructure (DOMI) seeks to improve motorist safety, pedestrian safety, and mobility through updated signal infrastructure and strategically located concrete bump-outs along Frankstown Avenue between Murtland Street and Blackadore Avenue. Frankstown Avenue serves as a major vehicular and transit route connecting the East Hills suburbs to the City's East End neighborhoods. It is also a Central Business District for the Homewood neighborhood. In a span of three years, there have been 55 recorded crashes along this corridor of which 6 involved pedestrians. As a subconsultant to Traffic Planning and Design, Inc., Sci-Tek provided the following surveying services:

  • Performed a field survey to establish horizontal & vertical control points that are referenced to the State Plane Coordinate System (PA South) NAD 83 horizontal datum.
  • Submitted a PA One Call Preliminary Design notification to request information from participating utility companies on the existing underground utilities within or adjacent to the approximate survey limits.
  • Conducted a field survey along Frankstown Avenue at all 8 design intersections including sufficient information to support ADA curb ramp design, drainage design, and signing and pavement marking design.
  • Prepared an existing conditions base map.