Civil Engineering
Pittsburgh, PA
City of Pittsburgh
Smithfield Street Reconstruction is a full reconstruction project from the intersection with Forbes Avenue to the intersection with Sixth Avenue (including the Sixth Avenue intersection only), in the City of Pittsburgh’s Central Business District. The project extends along 3 City blocks, approximately 900 linear feet. The project scope includes full depth roadway, sidewalk, and curb replacement. Additionally, upgrades to the fiber optic, street lighting, traffic signals, existing storm system, streetscape features, and pavement markings are included. Lastly, vault inspection and repairs, trolley track removal, and associated miscellaneous construction are also included. As a subconsultant to Gannett Fleming, Sci-Tek is providing Final Drainage Design services including the following:
- Storm sewer highway drainage design for the Smithfield Street Corridor, from Sixth Avenue to Forbes Avenue.
- Inlet and pipe sizing highway drainage design calculations for the anticipated 6 new inlets, and 57 lineal feet of new pipe.
- Highway Drainage Design General Notes and Construction Details.
- Quantities specific to the highway drainage design.
- Supporting materials for permit applications.
- Technical Specifications for final highway drainage design.